The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Women’s Networking Committee has developed a brand new series for young women in our community. The “You Go Girl” Series: Life Skills for Young Women meets once per month throughout the year. The next session will be held on Thursday, February 25, at 3:30 pm.
The “You Go Girl” Series aims to connect professional women and younger women within the community. Kim McNulty, the Committee Chair explains, “It was wonderful to see the excitement of our members as this series came together in just a few short days. The series will help supplement our Annual Women’s Empowerment Grant. The grant, which is awarded each year to women who are currently employed and want to advance in their career through education or training, is made possible through proceeds we collect at our Women’s Networking events throughout the year, but we wanted to do more.”
The series will cover a wide range of topics including budgeting, mindfulness, career counseling, creating a vision, and interview skills. The complete itinerary can be found at hazletonchamber.org. Registration is required and can be done online or by calling Leann at (570)-436-7960.
Sessions will take place on Zoom through April. Attendees will receive a Zoom link to each session at the time of registration. Starting in May through the end of the year, sessions will take place in person at the Catholic Social Services Family Center (a former church), located at 106 S. Church Street in Hazleton.